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The Quarter Byte Fliers

There is nothing quite like finding an old classic game of your past, spending a bunch of time fixing and cleaning it, and then gaming like a fiend when it all comes back to life. It’s like polishing an ancient genie lamp - just the right incantations and soothings will bring you great wishes.

Once you feel the raster hum and the leaf-switch spring again (or the flippers!) ..forget it! Start looking for some more space because you will want more. Average about 300 pounds, 400 USD, and about 3 Amps for each of these games. Expect too that a lot of people will say "cooool" after you get one. Expect a lot of smiles after all as well. Games are Fun.

Professional restoration and repair for classic coin-operated video, electromechanical, and pinball games.

Reproduction parts, used parts, game boards, and complete working games for sale!

_____________________________________________________ Complete working or restored VIDEO games for sale: _____________________________________________________

Exidy 1983 Crossbow 2500

Namco 2000 Ms.Pac-Man /Galaga Class of 1981 1200

Williams 1980 Defender 1200

Williams 1980 Defender 800

Williams 1980 Defender cocktail 800

Williams 1981 Stargate cabaret: 1200

Konami 1983 Gyruss 900

Atari 1983 I, Robot 6000

Atari 1980 Tempest cabaret 1600

Atari 1980 Tempest cocktail 2500

Atari 1980 Battlezone cabaret : 1200

Golden Tee ’98/99+ conversion 150

_____________________________________________________ Complete working or restored PINBALL games for sale: _____________________________________________________

Stern 1981 Catacomb 4500

Williams 1995 Attack From Mars 9999

Gottlieb 1979 Genie 1400

_____________________________________________________ Project games for sale: _____________________________________________________

Battlezone : 800

Blue Print (no CRT) 200

Stunt Cycle 600

Stunt Cycle 500

Ms. Pac-Man cabaret 750

Ms. Pac-Man cocktail 750

_____________________________________________________ Game PCB boards for sale: _____________________________________________________

Huge inventory soon! _____________________________________________________ Integrated circuits for sale: _____________________________________________________

Huge inventory soon! _____________________________________________________ Reproduction parts for sale: _____________________________________________________

Silk screened glass Frenzy marquee (authentic reproduction of the original) 75

Stern upright marquee brackets w/hardware (new powder coated smooth or textured) 20

Centipede marquee brackets w/hardware 20

(new powder coated textured) Taito mini Space Invaders control panels 25

(metal panel with adhesive graphics) 1930s pinball leg brackets (set of 4) 16

_____________________________________________________ Used parts for sale: _____________________________________________________

Huge inventory soon!

Video Arcade Preservation Society - VAPS

Pinside / Pinballowners

The Quarter Byte ⇔ Denver ⇔ CO ⇔ 303-274-1940 ⇔ Site by Dreamer Studios